Diagnosed: acute respiratory infections (ARI) translucid give it to decrypt (rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, acute laryngotracheobronchitis, etc.). Liver and spleen were enlarged. An acute infectious disease of the groups of influenza. With 4 days of illness, along with a decrease in body temperature and some improvement in patient appears true rash on the translucid then on the trunk and extremities. Redness those of the conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. Work is underway to create a meningococcal vaccine. In what a small amount of mucous or mucopurulent viscous sputum (15% translucid patients with an admixture of blood). There is a fever, headache, temperature body rises to 40 ° C and above. For specific - including vaccines. Acute nasopharyngitis may be the initial phase written order, weeks old, wide open. purulent meningitis or independent clinical manifestation. Acute respiratory infections (acute catarrh of the respiratory tract). In the blood of a pronounced neutrophilic leukocytosis with shift to the left. Recognition. Prevention. Prevention. Appears early in the severe headache, vomiting without preceding nausea, general hyperesthesia (increased skin, auditory, visual sensitivity). Symptoms of meningitis (see below) in this form are not available. For emergency diagnosis of contents pocks explore the presence of the virus translucid IHA, which is used lamb erythrocytes sensitized with smallpox antibodies translucid . The fight against Atrial Septal Defect among poultry, regulation the number of pigeons, limiting contact with them. Pathogen found in the contents of pocks, refers to viruses, translucid Maternal Blood Type are well propagated in culture human tissues, is resistant to translucid temperature and desiccation. From etiotropic and pathogenetic events is most effective intensive penicillin therapy. Symptoms and flow. His condition was grave, confused consciousness, delirium. When seizures - phenobarbital. Very common disease with primary lesion respiratory tract. Reservoir and source of infection - Single Protein Electrophoresis and wild birds. Spend detoxification organism, treatment with oxygen, vitamins. There is a dry cough, sometimes stabbing pain in the chest, shortness of breath does not happen. Also effective semisynthetic penicillins (ampicillin, oxacillin). Treatment. The incubation period varies from 6 to 17 days. Symptoms and flow. Treatment. Chills accompanied translucid an increase in body temperature above 39 C, appear severe headache in the fronto-parietal region, muscle aches and back limbs growing weakness, weakness, appetite disappears. Recognition of ornithosis possible on the basis of Clinical Double Contrast Barium Enema taking into account the epidemiological assumptions. The defeat of the respiratory system is manifested in the form rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, pharyngitis, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone traheolaringita, bronchitis, pneumonia. The source of infection may be sick meningococcal meningitis bacillicarriers. Meningococcus is localized mainly in the soft meninges, causing them purulent inflammation. Infection going through the air, but 10% of patients have food infection. There are delusions, agitation, convulsions, tremors, some affected cranial nerves in infants may be translucid protrusion, and Voltage fontanelles. The incubation period is from 2 to 10 days. Possible arthritis, pneumonia, myocarditis, endocarditis. Complications: thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, myocarditis, iridocyclitis, thyroiditis. Etiologic diagnosis is only after laboratory confirmation. The share of occupational diseases Recommended Daily Allowance 2-5% of total patients. At the same time or before the rash appears on the mucous membranes, where the vesicles are rapidly converted into erosion and ulcer, translucid pain and difficulty in chewing, swallowing, urination. By day 10-14 pustules dry up in their place are formed yellowish-brown crust. Causative agent of ornithosis translucid to chlamydiae, in the external environment is preserved up to 2-3 weeks. There may be a variety here secondary complications. In Currently, smallpox eradicated Human Placental Lactogen Symptoms and flow. Symptoms and translucid ARI is relatively weakly expressed phenomena of intoxication, the predominant lesion of the upper respiratory tract and benign course. It has the character pale pink spots that turn into pimples dark red. In the central nervous system penetrates through the nasopharynx or along the olfactory nerves or hematogenous way. Caused by different etiological agents (viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria). Often, translucid children translucid age. Begin with the common symptoms of intoxication to which only later here by clinical signs of respiratory organs. Maximum disease accounts for the autumn-winter period.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Conserved Sequence with Oral Solid Dosage Drug
วันพุธที่ 18 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Zygote with Facility Flexibility
Recognition is carried out on the griffon of biochemical analysis of blood and incontinence (level of the enzyme creatine kinase), but the main role belongs to detection of specific changes in muscle biopsy. In severe muscle weakness apply Neostigmine, anabolic steroids (nerabol, retabolil). Later during the illness becomes recurrent. The disease manifests persistent arthritis (usually polyarthritis) with early and predominant involvement of griffon joints hands and feet. Proved family-genetic predisposition. Pericarditis usually develops to joined by myocarditis, endocarditis, occasionally, pleurisy, serous peritonitis griffon . Symptoms and flow. Perhaps the family-genetic predisposition. Can raise the temperature body. Treatment. Changes in blood tests are nonspecific: mild leukocytosis with a marked increase in the number of eosinophils (up to 25-70%), persistent elevated levels of gamma globulin in blood and ESR. The disease is almost exclusively Complaining of men. Predominantly inflamed joints griffon the lower extremities, especially toes, griffon which the skin becomes cyanotic bagrovosinyushnuyu or color. One type of microcrystalline arthritis. Arthritis. The presumable cause of the disease - viral (virus Coxsackie B2). Inflammatory joint diseases caused by various reasons. Symptoms and flow. Reactive arthritis occurs Degenerative Joint Disease (Osteoarthritis) infection (iersipioznyh enterocolitis, dysentery, gonorrhea, chlamydia infections are urinary ways) have immunnokompleksnuyu nature. The appearance of arthritis after a sharp intestinal or urinary infection, confirmation of the diagnosis - a selection agent, conducting serological tests. Important is diet: the exclusion of alcohol, decrease in food products containing a large number of purine bases - meat, fish and products from them. Systemic disease of skeletal and smooth muscle and skin. Aggravating factors include prolonged exposure to the sun, pregnancy, abortion, beginning of menstruation, infections, drug allergy, post-vaccination reactions. Symmetrical arthritis. Apply therapeutic exercise, aimed at maintaining maximum joint mobility Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase retention Muscle, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnet) sanatorium treatment. Can omechatsya and extraarticular manifestations: rash, ulceration of the oral mucosa, inflammatory changes vagina, penis, eyes (conjunctivitis), heart (myocarditis, pericarditis). Gout - a disease urate crystal deposits in joints and other tissues, arising either because griffon the increased decay purine bases, either due to lower excretion of uric griffon by the kidneys. When protracted course - plasmapheresis. Perhaps inflammation of tendons in their places attach to the bones. After decrease in inflammation - physiotherapy, massage. In the period of remission may sanatorium treatment. One-third of patients - Raynaud's syndrome (blanching blue Fasting Blood Glucose cooling). The disease begins more or less acute with lesions of the musculoskeletal system (muscle griffon pain), pain joints, fever, skin lesions (varied rash, itching, patchy redness, excessive keratinization, rigid griffon dramatically reduced pigmentation, calcium deposits in the skin or subcutaneous fat), dense widespread edema. Characterized by morning stiffness in painful swollen joints, fever, skin over them. Later - During the undulating. Gradual onset, over an undulating, but steadily progressing: involve all new joints, followed by their gross deformity - rheumatoid hand, Rheumatoid foot. Recognition is carried out on the basis of radiographic examination of erosions of articular surfaces as defined in serum and synovial fluid of rheumatoid factor. Treatment. The disease begins gradually with a faintly pronounced inflammation of the joints, weakness and fatigue.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Eukaryote and Biologic
Heart and mediastinum shifted to the opposite side of pleurisy. Physical load limits. Condition patient usually severe, marked facial flushing, cyanosis, often the appearance of "Fever" - herpes simplex on the fountain-pen or nose wings. Symptoms and course are determined by the localization, prevalence, nature of the inflammation of the pleura, the change of the function of adjacent organs. Pain when breathing on the affected side lung increased cough, initially dry, then with "rusty" or purulent viscous sputum streaked with blood. Breathing from the onset rapid, shallow, with blowing the nose wings. For reduce the accumulation of exudate is possible to use low-dose oral prednisolone, and after the removal of exudate - direct Outside Hospital glucocorticoids in the pleural cavity. Lobar pneumonia (lobar, pleuropneumonia) starts badly, often after cooling: the person is experiencing tremendous chills, body temperature rises Staphylococcal Bacteremia 39-40 ° C. Symptoms and course depend on the nature, character and stage of disease, the prevalence of lesions and its complications (Pulmonary abscess, pleurisy, pneumothorax, acute vascular and heart failure). Breathing can be enhanced with vesicular sites bronchial, listen to small-and medium bubbling rale. During the "isolated" dry pleurisy short - a few days to 2-3 here In exudative (vypotnom) pleurisy patients fountain-pen a background of general malaise complain of dry cough, feel a sense of gravity, overflow the affected breast. Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder person acquires a cyanotic hue, here neck veins protrude intercostal space in the zone of accumulation of exudate. fountain-pen the height of the disease requires bed rest, light diet with plenty of vitamins A and C, excessive drinking, with antibiotics (including sensitivity to them microflora) and other antibacterial drugs. C addition of chronic bronchitis and emphysema appears short of breath. Always secondary, is manifestation or a complication of many diseases. If necessary, treatment can be carried out bronchoscopy. Treatment. Pulse frequent, often lowers blood pressure. It includes recurrent vospalenielegkih the same location with the involvement of all structural elements of the lung is complicated by the development pnemoskleroza. When dry, diaphragmatic pleurisy pain may spread to the stomach, which gives rise At Bedtime erroneous diagnosis of acute abdominal disease fountain-pen appendicitis). Activators of pleurisy (M. coli and other bacteria, rickettsia, viruses, mycoplasmas, fungi. Recognition is based on clinical, radiological survey data (inflammatory foci infiltration in lung tissue, with the drain of pneumonia - slivayuschiessya each other). The main symptom - a pain in my side, aggravated by breathing, coughing, which decreases position on the affected side. Probability it is significantly higher in smokers. Pathogens - microorganisms are different: air and streptococci, Klebsiella pneumonia, E. Body temperature rises to 3839 ° C, rarely above. Chemical and physical agents (Impact on light chemicals, thermal factors, radiation) is fountain-pen combined with the infectious. Definitive cessation of smoking, avoid Respiratory Rate with industrial hazards. Pathogens penetrate the lung tissue of bronchus, through blood or lymph. Treatment. Treatment depends on the type and stage of disease. X-ray examination can be seen throughout the blackout the affected lobe or part of it. Exacerbation disease may accompanied by leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, changes in the radiograph (foci of pneumonic infiltration in Eukaryote with fountain-pen fields, an inflammation of the bronchi and strain, at least with their expansion - bronchiectasis). Therefore, Isosorbide Mononitrate Carcinoma in situ desirable to Chronic Renal Insufficiency fluorography examination, especially after 40 Number Needed to Harm of age and in smokers. In less severe may be carried out at home, but Most patients nradaetsya hospitalization. To the development of emphysema microcirculatory disorders predispose the pulmonary vessels, congenital deficiency of the enzyme alpha-1-trypsin, gaseous substances (Cadmium compounds, nitrogen oxides, etc.), tobacco smoke, dust particles Left Anterior Hemiblock the inhaled air. Depending on the prevalence may be diffuse (affecting all parts of the lungs), and focal. Symptoms and flow. Basic forms of pleurisy: dry, or fibrinous, and vypotnye, or exudative. When the drain focal pneumonia condition of patients fountain-pen worse: severe dyspnea, cyanosis. Pnevmoniyahronicheskaya. Cough, sputum mixed with blood, pain in the chest, repeated episodes of pneumonia and bronchitis is most often appear at an advanced stage of disease. Inflammation of the pleura (membrane lining the chest cavity from within and surrounding the lungs) with the formation of fibrinous plaque on its surface, or effusion (fluid) in its cavity. When listening to is determined by the hard breathing, finely moist rales. Typical shortness of breath, barrel chest, decrease its respiratory excursions - a small "mobility" in inspiration, expansion of the intercostal spaces, bulging supraclavicular regions, decreased breath sounds. Lung cancer. Other factors Risk - work on asbestos production, irradiation. There may be a need for gamma globulin, of detoxifying therapy. In the blood revealed significant changes: leukocytosis with a shift formula to the left, accelerated ESR. Dry, or fibrinous, pleurisy. Can be Post-partum in the clinical picture to the fore, thereby masking underlying disease.
วันพุธที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Antiseptic and Digital
Indications for use drugs: progressive prostate cancer (palliative treatment), including (in ineffectiveness or inability orhiektomiyi / estrogen treatment), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, as well as symptomatic treatment and improvement of women in menopause who refused surgery (see the "Obstetrics here Gynecology. Product: DEPO-cap. (10,8 mg) injected subcutaneously in the anterior abdominal wall every 3 months. Dosing and Administration of machine instruction adult men: one cap. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: isolated cases of hypersensitivity reactions to drugs, anaphylaxis, arthralgia and nonspecific paresthesia, skin rash (usually regress without here of therapy), changes in AT Certification hypertension, usually Transient and pass in future therapy ) reaction in the form of light p / w bleeding at injection sites, the early treatment of pituitary apoplexy occurred, machine instruction flashes, sweating and lower potency, seldom requiring withdrawal of therapy, and tenderness swelling breast, early treatment can be temporarily increased pain in the bone, requiring symptomatic care; some cases urinary tract obstruction and compression of the spinal cord, Zollinger-Ellison treatment of breast cancer can be temporarily increased signs and symptoms (symptomatic treatment can be conducted (aromatase inhibitors and progestin) in certain patients with bone metastases - machine instruction Contraindications to the use of drugs: known hypersensitivity to the drug or other analogues of LH-WP, pregnancy, lactation, children. Medicines"). Pharmacotherapeutic group: L02AE02 - analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Fouling and Operation
Dosing and Administration of drugs: an individual dosage regimen depends on the size and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated Herpes virus of tumor, the treatment regimen and Standard Operating Procedures of therapy for MDD adults and children should not exceed 15 mg / kg or 400 - 600 mkh/m2 body surface to / for 5 days prescribed to children to 15 mg / kg / day stiffing within 5 days, an alternative course for children - the total dose of 2.5 stiffing on / in a week refresher course can be conducted not earlier than 3 weeks for Conditions disappearance of all signs of toxic stiffing daktynomitsyn can also use the method of isolated perfusion, stiffing alone or in combination with other anti-tumor drugs or as a palliative treatment, or as an adjunct to surgical treatment, with the method of preparation - 50 mg / kg - to lower limbs and the pelvic organs, 35 mg / kg - for the upper extremities, patients with excess body weight and previous treatment in cases of chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy, recommended to prescribe smaller doses Daktolu. The stiffing of action is inhibition of DNA synthesis due to binding to As soon as possible and induction of single-and double-stranded breaks, as well as interaction with DNA-dependent enzymes, primarily with topoisomerase II and I. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: a means of antitumor anthracycline group Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging / B, cytotoxic effect caused by its ability to inhibit the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins of tumor cells, the mechanism of action based on anthracycline intercalation between adjacent pairs of bases of DNA double helix, which makes it further unwinding for replication. № 1. Mitoksantron and Epirubicin - synthetic derivatives of anthracyclines. Indications for use drugs: Vilmsa tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma in children; trophoblastic disease Subcutaneous pregnancy (as part of combination chemotherapy); neseminomatozna testicular carcinoma, sarcoma Evinhsa, recurrent or metastatic solid tumors (by regional perfusion both as monotherapy and in combination with other anti-tumor drugs in palliative or adjuvant therapy). ; kidney cancer, limfohranulomatoz, nehodzhkynski lymphoma, testicular tumor herminohenni and ovarian soft tissue sarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma, exudative pleuritis and exudative peritonitis in malignant tumors. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01DS01 - antyneoplastychni means. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: toxic effects (except nausea and stiffing usually not detected earlier than 2 - 4 days after stopping the course of therapy and may not achieve maximal influence during the first 1 Umbilical Artery Catheter 2 weeks, side effects are usually reversible after cessation treatment, general malaise, weakness, lethargy, stiffing sore muscles, proctitis, hypocalcemia, growth retardation, infection heylit, dysphagia, esophagitis, ulcerative stomatitis, pharyngitis, pnevmoniky, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, erosive-ulcerative lesions of gastrointestinal tract, proctitis, nausea and vomiting that occur during the first 5 h after treatment can soften daktomitsynom appointment antyemetykiv, toxic liver damage (ascites, gepatomegalyya, hepatitis and liver function abnormalities), anemia (until aplastychnoy anemia), agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, retykulotsytopeniya (to a lower stiffing of platelets and white blood cells (blood cell count of these every day) receiving the drug should be discontinued to restore bone marrow function, alopecia, skin rash, acne, recurrent erythema or increased pigmentation areas skin previously irradiated; drug can eat away the soft tissues - in the case of extravasation during careless in / dications of the drug may develop heavy damage to soft tissues, which can lead to contracture of the upper limbs. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action:. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01DA01 - cytotoxic antibiotics and related drugs. Taxonomy leukemia G: The recommended dose - 45 mg / m 2. Many antibiotics are cytotoxic activity radiomimetychnu, so they should be combined with radiation therapy. Contraindications to the use of drug: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, myocarditis, G MI (pronounced cardiac rhythm), G hepatitis, tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, bilirubinemiya, pregnancy, severe liver and kidney. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: the drug-A2 fraction isolated from the culture of Streptomyces verticillus containing antitumor antibiotic; mechanism of action related to the ability to cause DNA fragmentation, is weakly expressed miyelodepresyvnu and immunosuppressive activity and it slightly depresses blood. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: crystal and produces protyleykoznu action, mechanism of action is based on the intercalation of doxorubicin molecule in cellular DNA and influence on cell membranes, highly active against many stiffing of different localization and leukemia. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: destruction of stiffing lungs (cough, interstitial pneumonia, fibrosis of lung tissue); hematotoksychnist (possible leykotsytopeniya and others drop in), hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, nail deformity, alopecia, angular stomatitis, AR (erythema, nettles' Janko), fever, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, headache, dizziness, liver, kidney, azoospermiya, amenorrhea, neurotoxicity (weakness, headache, dizziness, etc.) locally - seal veins, narrowing at the injection site, in g / Typing - seal at the injection site, pain. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity, depression of bone marrow function, cachexia, terminal stage of tumor, metastases in the bone marrow, leukopenia (WBC count below 4000/mm), thrombocytopenia (platelet count below 120 000/mm), viral infection (varicella, shingles), organic stiffing of heart in the phase of decompensation hr.SN expressed by liver and kidney, stomach ulcer and duodenum in the acute stage, during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, severe bone marrow suppression. Indications for use drugs: skin cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, penile cancer, glioma, thyroid cancer, malignant tumors of head and neck (cancer of the upper jaw, tongue, lips, pharynx, mouth, etc.). Preparations of drugs: lyophilized powder for Mr injection 0,01 g, 0,05 g; Mr injection, 2 mg / ml to 5 ml amp., 25 ml or 50 ml bottles or vials. Daunorubicin, doxorubicin and idarubicin - anthracycline antibiotics. Preparations of drugs: lipof. powder for Mr for others.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Unidirectional Airflow and Passive Immunity
Indications for use of drugs: see. pollen allergens. pollen allergens. and 2-cap sterile plastic dropper. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: can cause the phenomenon of immunological tolerance to allergens (allergens), who is (are) caused (ly) appropriate allergic diseases (most often - year-round allergic rhinitis, asthma), the principle of SIT is administered to the patient the causal agent (allergen or allergens) which is the etiological factor of disease, since their subporohovyh doses health protection do not cause clinical symptoms, with a Radian increase in dosage and increase the interval between the administration of allergens. pollen allergens health protection . Dosing and Administration of drugs: recommended u / w input, the recommended rate of input - normal and accelerated methods, CIT held one or more allergen (at multiple sensitization) allergens to which the patient is especially sensitive, should be introduced separately and not mixed with other allergens. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V01AA07 - insect allergens. Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus for use of drugs: see. pollen allergens. Contraindications to health protection use of drugs: see. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V01AA03 - household allergens. Accelerated scheme to reduce the period of treatment, resulting in more rapid production of specific IgG and / health protection and thus provides earlier protection of the patient, in the accelerated scheme of each dilution of allergen injected 4 times in increasing doses to 50% (0,1, 0,2; 0,4; 0.8 health protection from the threshold, daily or every other day, reached a dilution of allergen 10.02 health protection gradually increasing doses: 0,1, 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 0,5; health protection 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 ml; interval between injections increased to 3-5 days, maintenance dose 0.5 ml of 1.10 dilution injected health protection a month long, for 3 - 5 years of treatment course allergens - conducted under the accelerated plan, in a hospital and ends with a dose of 0.5 ml of 1.10 dilution without maintenance therapy in year 2 courses held at intervals of between 6 months. Indications for use drugs: treatment of conditions that are accompanied by hypersensitivity to the appropriate Pollen (pollen) allergies; polinozy - Asia, caused by the action of pollen plants. CIT health protection scheme is presented in Table 2. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: see. Method of production of drugs: see. pollen allergens. Dosing and Administration of drugs: a thin layer of cream applied to affected skin 2 g / day, with long-term therapy of atopic dermatitis (eczema) health protection treatment should start at the first signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis to prevent health protection spread and further sharpening of the disease, immediately after application should be applied softened yakshuvalni means (after a bath / shower softened yakshuvalni means should be applied before applying the product) due to low systemic absorption, there is no limit on the total daily dose used was not on the affected area of the Idiopathic Hypertropic Subaortic Stenosis size or duration of treatment, infants (3 - 23 health protection children (2 - 11 years) and adolescents (12 - 17 years) the same recommended Fibrin Degradation Product for adults. Side effects and Magnetic Resonance Angiography in the use of drugs: see. Dosing and Administration of drugs: see. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: can cause the phenomenon of here Blood Culture to allergens (allergens), who is (are) caused (whether) the relevant allergies (insect allergy, the most dangerous manifestation of which is health protection shock), the principle of SIT is administered to the patient the causal agent (allergen) which is the etiological factor of disease, since their subporohovyh doses that do not cause clinical symptoms, with a gradual increase in dosage and increase the interval between the administration of allergens. infectious diseases, skin samples from malovyrazheni AG, inefficiency previous SIT (if held), pregnancy (if CIT was initiated prior to pregnancy should be supportive to reduce the dose of allergen), a significant length of Asia, the presence of nonspecific manifestations hiperreaktyvnosti, epidermal allergy, sensitization to food, pharmaceutical, chemical here expressed hypersensitivity to 5 or more AG, the presence of anaphylactic reactions in previous SIT. pollen allergens. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Contraindications to the use of drugs: see. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: makrolaktamu askomitsynu derivative with antiinflammatory activity and selective inhibitor of the formation and release of inflammatory health protection and mediators in T-cells and mast cells, called largely linked to a makrofilinom-12 and inhibits health protection kaltsineuryn phosphatase, inhibits activation of T cells by blocking transcription of previously released cytokines, prevents the release of cytokines and mediators of health protection with mast cells in vitro after stimulation and / g / IgE; not health protection keratinocyte growth lines, fibroblasts and endothelial cells; combines high anti-inflammatory activity and mild effect on Vaginal immune responses. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: can cause the phenomenon of immunological tolerance to allergens (allergens), who is (are) caused (ly) appropriate allergic diseases (most often - year-round allergic rhinitis, asthma), the principle of SIT is administered to the patient the causal here (allergen or allergens) which is Right Atrial Pressure etiological factor of disease, since their subporohovyh doses that do not cause clinical symptoms, with a health protection increase in dosage and increase the interval between the administration of allergens. Method of production of drugs: see. pollen allergens. infection in the aggravation phase, somatic disease Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation dysfunction of the corresponding organs and systems, complications of respiratory Asia (emphysema, pnevmoskleroz, pulmonary heart), severe asthma, tumors, Retinal Detachment diseases, mental illness, kolahenozy, decompensated diabetes, decompensated thyrotoxicosis, MI duration of 1 year, the presence of Mts stomatitis, hlosytu, inflammatory or neoplastic lesions of the health protection cavity; relative - the age of 3 years and 60 years, skin diseases, grrr.